To create a theory that unifies gravitation and electromagnetism — this is undeniably one of the holy grails of modern physics! Countless theoretical physicists have made the attempt over the past century, but the calculations published (including Einstein’s world-famous gravitational field equation from his general theory of relativity) all have small inconsistencies that cannot fulfill the ultimate requirements for unification.

In his paper “Die Energiekomponenten des Gravitationsfeldes” published in Physik Zeitscrift in 1918, Erwin Schrödinger applied Einstein’s full field equation to show that negative infinity exists and was inevitable. This effectively proved that Einstein’s general relativity theory could not be established unlimitedly. Einstein dismissed this assertion by claiming that Schrödinger’s calculations were not applicable to gravitational fields, and that the relativity theory held because the co-ordinates of any four-dimensional region could always be suitably chosen to make the calculations fit.

Thus the majority of physicists have accepted Einstein’s gravitational field equation as being absolute dogma, and applied it to create theories on phenomena related to physics and cosmology. Yet, these theories still cannot solve many serious problems, such as the cosmological constant controversy, the vacuum energy contradiction, the solar oblateness controversy, to name but a few.

Today, modern physics has reached a stagnation point on many of these controversies. Like a spanner jammed into the spokes of the wheel of scientific progress, Einstein’s general relativity theory and its formulas have become so entrenched in quantum physics theorems and thinking that it has become impossible for physicists to “think outside the box” and imagine other possibilities for solving these physical conundrums.

For some physicists, however, Schrödinger’s 1918 paper remains a landmark work in dispelling the infallibility of Einstein’s general relativity theory. Some would even acknowledge that classical relativity needs to be abolished in order to stimulate new thought into the quantum theoretical problems that remain unresolved.

Curved Force Line Elements (CFLE) Theory is one such attempt to shine new light onto these age-old problems. It is a new, never-before published theory that establishes a unique basic concept — mass charge screening by force lines and their elements — to unify gravitational and electromagnetic forces in a way that even Michael Faraday had once thought possible.

The book, currently in its 3rd draft edition that is downloadable from this website, explains this fascinating new theory and shows its ability to predict data in all fields of cosmology and quantum physics. It is the Author’s wish that this book will encourage fresh dialogue about modern physics as a whole, and provide the stepping stone to a new world of technological possibilities that can be realized with a collective collaboration of the scientific community to perfect and apply CFLE theory to its fullest potential.